Life experience


IMG_1897Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine have created the first deck of tarot cards that is 100 percent gentle, safe, and trustworthy! All of the words in this deck, as well as the artwork by Steve A. Roberts, are positive and beautiful, while still retaining the magical effectiveness of traditional tarot. The accompanying guidebook explains the general meaning of each card and walks you through the steps of giving an accurate reading for yourself and others.


Rich with symbolism and imagery—including angels, archangels, unicorns, fairies, and mermaids—the Angel Tarot Cards will provide you with inspiring guidance on your life journey!



Angel sayings, poems

Outside the open window

The morning air is all awash with angels

-Richard Purdy


Angels can fly directly into the heart of the matter

-Author unknown


Angels are never too distant to hear you.

-Author unknown


Angels fly at light speed, because they are servants of the light.

-Eileen Thomas Freeman


Thorns and stings,

and those such things

just make stronger

our angel wings.

-Terri Guillemets


“Give of yourself as the Angels do,

and wonderful things will come to to you”


Angels descending, bring from above,

echoes of mercy,

whispers of love.




Power: The power of your Creator is within you. It doesn’t matter if you’re facing a situation that seems larger than life or something that is a small hurdle the angels and God want to help you overcome it all!

The key to finding resolve in so many of life’s circumstances is to stay in the right frame of mind. You have the power of your Creator within you, all of the His greatness brings into focus who He is; faithful, righteous, good, honest and it diminishes the negative problems you are facing.

You have all the power of Divine love it is unlimited allow yourself shine. He is the one who with just his voice spoke the world and universe and cosmos into being, yet he is interested in the smallest and most intimate details of your life.